Dear blog readers,
Our virtual art show is growing! We look forward to more submissions. You can take a photo of your art or send it digitally to
The descriptions are at the bottom of the post.
Inner Peace Mandala – November 12, 2020
We discussed and did a quick art exercise examining anxiety and how it feels. Then we looked across the spectrum from anxiety to a goal of inner peace. How to get there? With the goal in mind we each drew a mandala on black paper and illuminated it with coloured pencils. Here are people’s comments about their result.

Image 1: I enjoyed making the wavy lines, the whirlies, and although it was hard I gave myself permission to not make it symmetrical
Image 2: The diamond in the middle represents the Austrian crystal I fell in love with as a child. So shiny, so sparkly. While making it I didn’t worry about things lining up in the middle. It reminds me that in my centre I am always shining bright.
Image 3: Although it’s not complete it shows the vibrant colours and intricate patterns in the centre.
Image 4: Sometimes you don’t get the result you expect.
Image 5: When I was young I always made the ‘insert’ symbol…like a tiny wave…over and over again. I found using it today so calming. I created 9 quadrants so that symmetry wasn’t an issue. I found the process very calming.
Image 6: This depicts flowers with clouds around it, and snow/rain.
Image 7: This was calming to make and felt mysterious as it emerged. Looking at later I saw an octopus in the middle. They are smart, multi-taskers. I like that in my centre!