Q: What is the Sheena’s Place Charitable Business Number?

A: The Charitable Registration Number is BN 89878 8948RR0001.

Q: How do I make a donation?

A: Visit our Donation page here.

Q: Who do I contact if I want to run a fundraising event, or donate proceeds from an event, on behalf of Sheena’s Place?

A: Please contact Development Coordinator Laurene Lau at the email address llau@sheenasplace.org.

Q: I would like to make a gift in kind to Sheena’s Place. Where can I get more information?

A: Gifts in kind to Sheena’s Place can help to raise funds through prize draws, live and silent auctions and in many other ways. Beneficial items for fundraising purposes include electronics, games, art supplies, sporting event or concert tickets, and gift certificates.

A: Please contact Development Coordinator Laurene at the email address llau@sheenasplace.org.

Q: How do I include a gift to Sheena’s Place in my will?

A: 1. Speak to your lawyer about drafting or revising your will by adding a codicil, an essential step to protect your family’s future and to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

2. Add the appropriate bequest wording in your will, which we can help tailor to your specific area of interest.

3. Let us know about your bequest so we can show our appreciation and ensure your intentions are properly understood and honoured.

Please email John Choi at jchoi@sheenasplace.org for more information.

Q: What can I do to easily update my donor information with you?

A: If you would like to update your name, address, phone number or you would like to update your credit card or banking information for your monthly gift, please contact Laurene Lau at llau@sheenasplace.org

Q: What is a gift confirmation receipt and how does it differ from a regular tax receipt?

A: A “receipt” refers to any document issued by Sheena’s Place to confirm that we received something from another party. A “charitable receipt” is for income tax purposes and allows donors to reduce their income tax. “Gift confirmations” are issued by Sheena’s Place to donors to confirm a gift where a “charitable receipt” is not warranted.

Q: Will I receive a tax receipt for my donation?

A: Yes. You will receive a tax receipt by email or mail.  Tax receipts for monthly donations are sent via emailed in February.

Q: When will I receive my e-tax receipt from my online donation?

A: If you did not receive your tax receipts right away, please check your spam and junk email folders.

Q: How can I request a donation tax receipt?

A: In the event that your receipt has been lost or misplaced or you have moved, a duplicate receipt can be issued. Please email llau@sheenasplace.org.

Q: What methods of payment do you accept?

A: Cheque, cash, e-transfer, or the following credit cards (online or over the phone): American Express, VISA, and MasterCard.

Q: When will I receive a tax receipt for my monthly donation?

A: You will receive an accumulative tax receipt for the year in February of the following year. Your receipt will be emailed if you have provided an email address. If not, you will receive your tax receipt by regular mail.

Q: What happens if I miss a payment?

A: Sheena’s Place may try to reprocess your monthly gift after your scheduled processing date.

Q: Can I donate securities, like stocks, bonds, or other equities?

A: Sheena’s Place also accepts donations of stocks, mutual funds, segregated funds, and bonds.

“Gifting publicly traded securities like equities , bonds and mutual funds provides a “win-win” for both Sheena’s Place as a recipient, and for you as the donor and taxpayer. Sheena’s Place benefits from the full value of the gift, and you receive favourable tax benefits in the form of a tax credit on the donation and tax savings on capital gains of the donated securities.“ — Loren Francis, FCPA, VP & Principal, HighView Financial Group
Please consult your financial advisor to decide which investments make the most financial and philanthropic impact.
If you are interested in donating a gift of securities, please contact our Executive Director John Choi at jchoi@sheenasplace.org

Q: How does a PAD (Pre-Authorized Debit) work?

A:You (the Payor) make arrangements for PAD (also known as Direct Debit) payments from your bank account with the biller (Sheena’s Place). In order to set up or change your PAD payment, we will require the following information: transit (branch) number, institution number and account number. The agreement specifies the amount, timing, frequency or event that will result in a PAD, as well as the account from which the funds are to be withdrawn.

To find out more about PADs, please visit the Canadian Payment Association’s FAQ for Pre-Authorized Debit website